The entire point of The World Reimagined is to create a moment and a platform that honours and supports the countless people and organisations across Leeds who do the work of making racial equality a reality – and to share it with more people. And so we’ve developed the Inspire Programme – which invites you to host activities and events during The World Reimagined (13 August to 31 October 2022) which speak to our shared mission that we can showcase and promote far and wide.
We chose the word inspire deliberately – but it’s not about us, it’s about you and the work you do:
For those long committed to the work of racial justice, you inspire with your expertise, commitment and impact.
For those new to the mission and subject, you inspire with your openness and desire to step into the work and contribute.
Together, you show us that progress is possible. Hard, but possible. The programme is available to everyone across Leeds! So please – get involved (more details below):
If you have any questions please email your community coordinator
Every second Tuesday evening, we host an online INSPIRE SESSIONS, which:
share best practice and powerful thinking that you might find valuable in your work.
connect community leaders and organisations access the country – sharing your experiences; expertise and getting to know each other. There’s incredible solidarity and strength in our shared mission and we know it’s often hard to connect.
MEET YOUR CO-ORDINATOR: Asher Jael Asher is a community developer, artist & yoga teacher living in Leeds. He uses the arts to bring people together and challenge the norms of modern culture. His freelance work engages with marginalised communities in novel ways which demand a constant acquisition of new skills. He has a masters in Peace and Development from Leeds Beckett, is a qualified yoga teacher, and has a diverse portfolio of skills and professional experiences.